I am a health economist and public health researcher.
Sepideh Modrek’s research is grounded in life course theory and employs econometric methods to investigate the social determinants of health. Her work focuses on two main areas: the relationship between health, income, and wealth, and the promotion of gender equity, both in the U.S. and internationally. One of her current projects explores the long-term, intergenerational impacts of New Deal work-relief policies. Another focuses on access to abortion in the post-Dobbs era.
You can see all of Dr. Modrek's work on Google Scholar , download her CV or see her research blog.
Modrek S, Hamad R, Cullen M. Psychological Well-being during the Great Recession: Changes in Mental Healthcare Utilization in an Occupational Cohort. American Journal of Public Health, 2015, 105(2): 304-10.
Hamad R, Modrek S, White JS. Paid Family Leave Effects on Breastfeeding: A Quasi-Experimental Study of US Policies. American Journal of Public Health. 2019, 109:164-6.
Modrek S, Rehkopf D. Long-term Effects of Local Area New Deal Work Relief in Childhood on Late Life Depression. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. Forthcoming.
Lee M, Harrari A, Rehkopf D, Modrek S. Effects of Local Area Level New Deal Employment in Childhood on Late Life Cognition: Evidence from the Census-Linked Health and Retirement Study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. 2023;77(2):81-88.
Modrek S, Roberts E, Warren JR, Rehkopf D. Long-term Effects of Local Area New Deal Work Relief Activity in Childhood on Educational, Economic and Health Trajectories over the Life Course. Demography. 2022; 59(4):1489-1516.
Rohrer C, Modrek S. Decreasing Reproductive and Abortion Care Barriers: Findings on Student Health Center Role from Student Survey, BMC Women’s Health. 2023.
Modrek S, Chakalov B. The #MeToo Movement in the United States: Text Analysis of Early Twitter Conversations. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019; 21(9):e13837.*